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Need some brake rebuilding advice

To: MG Mailing List <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Need some brake rebuilding advice
From: David Ambrose <>
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 09:44:50 -0800
I tore into the wheel end of my 69 BGT yesterday and came up with a 
couple of questions:

1) The pistons in one caliper have a satin finish as opposed to the 
usual shiny finish. Can I reuse these pistons, or should I go ahead and 
replace them?

2) Both rear wheel cylinders need replacement. I see Moss lists two 
types of cylinders, OEM, and aftermarket. Are the aftermarket cylinders 
good, or should I stick with the OEM?

It's already top-down motoring here in San Diego, though the mornings 
are pretty cold. Alas, my wife gets to drive the Miata most of the time.

--Dave Ambrose

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