--- Charles & Peggy Robinson <ccrobins@ktc.com> wrote:
> That's true. ON my '69 there isn't a hole in the
> firewall anywhere
> near to being in line with the speedo. Someone once
> told me that they'd
> drilled a hole there and brought the cable to it
> from the outside. I
> looked at doing that but never did it. Anyone????
> Cheers,
> CR
On my 1974 CBB North America spec car there was no
right angle drive on the speedo. The cable passed
through two holes in both parts of the firewall just
below the LH bonnet hinge. The hole on the inner
firewall is slightly higher than outer so the cable
angles upwards a little and has a straight shot to the
The hole in the inner firewall is larger than the one
in the outer, and there was a grommet in the inner
hole only. Both holes look factory stamped, not
drilled by a PO.
I can't see any evidence of similar holes on the RH