Posted 09 December 2004 at 17:22:51 UK time
I'm posting this here becasue it effects predominantly MGB owners.
Outgoing Governor Gary Locke announced today that he'd like to give
us a little something to remember him by: The adoption of
California's automotive emissions laws here in Washington. Press
reports are non-technical, non-specific and non-critical, but one
recently-adopted hallmark of the California plan is the elimination
of the exemption for cars over 25 years of age. That means that if
you have a 1968 MGB with the smog pump removed, you're in trouble. If
you have a 1976 MGB with the catalytic converter removed, you're in
big trouble. All cars must retain all original smog equipment under
California's plan. Now is the time to contact your legislator and ask
him or her to put the kibosh on this lunatic scheme.
Locke is quoted as saying that his plan will reduce CO2 emissions by
20 tons a year. Mt. St. Helens is emitting 200 tons a year. This plan
does *nothing* but make life tougher for all car owners, exspecially
classic car owners. Let you voice be heard!
David Breneman
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