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Re: I about burned up two MGs today!

To: Kevin & Deana Brown <>
Subject: Re: I about burned up two MGs today!
From: "Paul T. Root" <>
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 08:49:25 -0600
I have an extingisher mounted on the wall where it
can be seen. Thinking about it, it's probably too high 
for my boys to reach.

I also have a second one in the MG, until early September
when we had a cub scout meeting on fire safety. We decided
to let all the boys shoot off the extingisher, so they know
what to expect. We didn't have a fire going of course. 

Anyway, I bought a new extingisher and have it ready to go
into the car, when the car goes back on the road in April. 

$10-15 for an extingisher, even once a year seems the right
thing to do. 

Glad your cars are ok. And I have garage envy!


On Thu, Nov 25, 2004 at 07:15:27PM -0600, Kevin & Deana Brown wrote:
> I about burned up two of my MGs today! While trying to time the '86 
> Corvette I suddenly had flames shooting up out of the engine compartment 
> over the windshield!!! This is a car that I had bout a few months ago 
> that needed a little work on it, I had fixed a vacuum leak on the intake 
> and knocked the timing way off because the distributor was loose - so my 
> project today was to time it. I was sitting inside the car at the time 
> letting it idle when all of the sudden all of flames just started 
> shooting up from between the engine and the firewall. I shut the car off 
> and jumped out  the flames kept shooting up and were licking over the 
> windshield where I had my service sitting. I couldnt move the car 
> because it was trapped by other vehicles. I thought (hoped!!!) I had a 
> fire extinguisher in the garage. I first glanced over by my welding 
> torch (since I usually grab the extinguisher when I am using the torch), 
> didnt see it there, so I walked over to the pedestrian door in to the 
> garage since I vaguely remembered keeping it there. I moved two folding 

   ______       Paul T. Root
  /    _ \      1977 MGB
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