Subject: MGC restoration nearing completion need help on some small problems
James wrote:<snip>
Now the car is running fine but I
> need to address the fuel pump. I bought a supposedly new one at Carlisle
> in
> the Spring. It wasn't working three weeks ago so that's why I put the old
> one
> back in. Anyway, I bought a new diode for it and it still isn't showing
> power.
> SO, My first question is: what else can I check on the new fuel pump that
> would make it work? The points are touching and are not corroded. What
> else
> could it be?
It has been my experience that often these new SU pumps haven't been
assembled correctly from the beginning. The diaphragm setting to allow the
rocker points to "throw over" isn't set correctly and the pump is labouring
trying to do this.
The procedure is quite straight forward and is covered in the shop manuals.
The 6 screws around the perimeter of the pump body need to come out and the
pump diaphragm needs to be released from the gasket surface.(careful not to
tear it when you separate the joint). Turn the diaphragm until the rocker
points just can't throw over then back off 4 holes (2/3 turn) This will
allow the points and diaphragm to function correctly.
On the same subject, quite often a used pump sitting around for a long time
will need to have the diaphragm flexed gently with a small screwdriver under
the rocker pedistal. Then it will usually start right up.
Good luck and let me know how you make out with it.
Rich Chrysler