Not on its own. When the dynamo isn't going fast enough to run the
electrics the battery is supposed to take over. In your case the battery
must be connected and good at least as far as the cranking and ignition
goes, but not to the lights. With your model the brown wire is
daisy-chained from the battery to the control box to the lights for example.
If the break is between the solenoid and the control box battery power will
not get to the lights but dynamo power will. Of course it is always well to
remember that you may have more than one problem, and this often makes
electrical problems difficult to track down.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ray Graham" <>
To: "'Paul Hunt'" <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 12:47 AM
Subject: RE: Electric Question
> The car starts fine and the battery is good. I will check the spades.
> Another member suggested that the fan belt could need adjustment or
> replaced...make sense?
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