As this has come up on the list, here is an email I was forwarded sometime
ago regarding the status of the BPC.
Kai M. Radicke
Wishbone Classics
* British Car Parts *
Ph: 215.945.7250
> This just in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> *********************
> Very sorry to report that we have closed our business. Going
> back to teaching!
> More info below.
> regards, dick
> --
> Pls be advised that Ginger and I are closing the BPC
> immediately. Although we enjoyed the relationships we
> developed it no longer makes sense! There would probably be
> no good time but the last two weeks in TX allowed us time
> to think it over. If you have a confirmed order with an order
> number it should be delivered as expected. Any tentative
> orders are not being placed.
> We are sorry for any problems this causes. We also have
> cancelled any backorders that had not shipped. If you believe
> that we owe you something please be in touch with specifics
> and we will work it through with you.
> Our sincere thanks to all of you who supported us over the
> last decade or more!
> Dick Burger Ginger Burger
> 176 Lincoln Street
> Bangor, ME 04401
> Phone: 207 990 3422
> Fax: 207 945 3518
> Email:
> Website:
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