Really nice website, Jerry...! So, let me get this straight as far as you
know these clip art images are all considered to be public domain? And as long
as I use them for something that is considered to be not-for-profit, or
entirely for ones private use or enjoyment as a "non profit" item, then it is
to take them off of your MG page? That's my understanding of the meaning or
reason for the images to be considered "Public Domain" another litmus test
would be the obvious use or application of the phrase "Copyright _ _ _ _ all
rights reserved. Or a little "c" in the middle of a circle or round border,
is called a "bug" and indicates that the usage or duplication is prohibited
unless you first obtain the permission of whoever is responsible for the art,
photo or image. Either way thank you for making all of your hard work
availible to the average dolt, like myself...I bet your loving that Corvette,
It's got just a wee bit more kick than your faithfull old 1973 MGB "Black
Albert Escalante
Owner 1977 Jaguar XJ-6L, 1978 MGB
Central Coast British Car Club-Ventura, CA.
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