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Re: Are my tyres too old?

To: Barrie Robinson <>
Subject: Re: Are my tyres too old?
From: Paul Root <>
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 11:12:54 -0500
10 years are pretty old and hard. I'd scrap them. The old Michelin's on
my car were really hard, I was afraid they'd blow out.

T rated are probably fine. Often, in these sizes, H aren't any more
expensive. Tire Rack has Sumitomo or Kumho for less that $40 a tire.  I
have the Kumho's and they are very nice. Gene just got the Sumitomo's 
and likes them.

The Sumitomo's are higher performance.

On the other hand, there is stuff that racers use to re-condition old
tires, I don't know much about them.


Barrie Robinson wrote:

> I put Star  (Goodyear cheapies????) 185/70 14 M+S  88T tyres on my 1970 
> on MGB GT some 8-10 years ago and I now have a Rover V8 sitting in it.   
> It is nearing completion held back by a plethora of frustrating little 
> jobs.  I am getting conflicting reports from the purveyors of tyres and 
> look for advice from a non-commercial group.  This is what I have been 
> told.
> 1) The tyres even with the low low mileage are too old and should be 
> scrapped.
> 2)  The rating does not matter 88T are good way above the 120km (75mph) 
> at which I will be cruising.
> 3)  Must have H rating as good for high speed lane changing on highways 
> to avoid suicidal SUVs

    ______      Paul T. Root
   /    _ \     1977 MGB
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