Yes and no. I don't have a '73, mine is and earlier car. The general
procedure is to set the thumbscrew in the middle of the A<->R setting, set
the timing statically (which means loosening the clamp plate AND the pinch
bolt). Tighten clamp plate and pinch bolt. Use the A<->R thumbscrew for
fine adjustment. Many have found that there isn't enough adjustment that
way though - so you probably want to keep the clamp and pinchbolts just
barely off of tight until you have it set.
General setting is to advance until it pings (under load - i.e. drive it),
then back it off just enough that it doesn't ping.
Another method is to fill with regular, advance until it pings (under
load, and just barely), then use premium.
I haven't tried the latter, the former has produced good results.
Phil Bates
> A basic Q re timing a 1973 MGB. Must one loosen the distributor clamp
plate bolts AND the
pinch bolt to adjust the timing? Why the elongated holes in the clamp
> thanks
> andrew
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