Wal, I remember when Pensylvania crude was touted as the best; hence
Pennzoil, "Made from pure Pensylvania crude....." Now, I've read it's
all pretty much the same as it comes down the pipeline but different
companies put in different additives after they draw off their batches.
I'm sure there's more to it than that but that's the gist of it.
Dean T. Lake wrote:
> I have seen an older listing of the various grades of oil based
> primarily on the geographic location. So maybe this explanation below
> could be right on the money. These days modern refineries must
> eliminate the distinction. On a slightly tangential note, different
> grades of coal are still extracted from different parts of the country.
> I have seen an old brewing manual that distinguishes the potential btu
> output of West Virginia versus Colorado Coal.
> Dean
> -----Original Message-----
> I'll be darned. Once you think you've heard 'em all....... ;^)
> CR
> DON SCOTT wrote:
>>My father used to work for an air compressor company back in the
> 1940s.
>>He always told me that there was a distinction between "Western" oil
> and
>>"Eastern" oil (California vs. Pennsylvania?).