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Power Point MGA

To: "MG LIST" <>
Subject: Power Point MGA
From: "Mike Razor" <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 16:40:22 -0400
Bought a real nice looking metal power socket for the MGA.  Wired it up as
would with positive ground, plugged in GPS and now power.  Plug in tester and
it had power.  Anyway, did not fry the GPS but figured out, as someone on the
list said that I needed to insulate the power socket.  What I did was get a
cheaper plastic power socket.  Ground the positive, wire and hook the negative
to a fuse on the firewall, reconnected the battery, plugged in my old GPS and
it seems to work.
Now, before I plug in the new GPS or cell phone does anyone know of any reason
that might cause me to cook my GPS or phone.

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