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Re: SU float bowls flooding

To: "MG List" <>, "Paul M." <>
Subject: Re: SU float bowls flooding
From: "Larry Daniels" <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2004 19:41:47 -0500

This deal is still sticking in my craw.  If this shop owner didn't know that
he was nailing your butt, he would never have dropped the other $650 -- he
would have put a mechanics lien on it and told you to pay up or he would
hold the car.  It seems to me that there is a law (I don't know if it is
just in my state of WI or not) that if a shop doesn't get authorization for
repairs ahead of time that you don't owe the bill.  It was put in force
particularly because of clowns like this.

Most lawyers will give you a free initial meeting to see if you have a case
or not.  I would go after him.

I believe that Lawrie has an SU rebuild service that would have been a heck
of a lot cheaper (and, I'm sure, better) than this guy's settlement price -- 
and you shouldn't settle this deal until you've checked out your options.
Of course, I own a business in which I've sicced my lawyers on a guy for
less than 50 bucks.  It's a matter of priciple.  I hate thieves and rip-off

Larry Daniels

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