I went down to Kansas City over the weekend, for a funeral of the Mother
of a friend. Good trip bad reason.
Anyway, I was talking to my friend's Dad. And somehow we got talking
cars. He's an old car guy. Hasn't been in in a long time. He used to
have an XK-120 (I think, maybe a 150). And a '37 Morgan +4.
Anyway. He still has some Morgan parts. A rear axle and a transmission.
He's thinking it's time to get rid of them. Pretty uncharacteristic of
him as he's a big time pack rat. We told him e-bay is a probably a good
start. Someone has to want these parts.
I don't know condition. They've probably been sitting for 40-50 years.
I've known him since '72 or so. And he was well out of the cars by then.
He told me that he'd bought a wreaked Morgan, like a '38 or '39 and put
this axle on '37. And it was 1/2 or 1 inch wider, but worked fine. So
width could be an issue.
Any ideas on worth?
P.S. BTW, roads are so much better layed out in KC than the Twin Cities.
4 lanes all the way around. We barely have 2. And they are generally