--- "Dean T. Lake" <dtlake@erols.com> wrote:
> Sounds like a great deal and all....but how much is
> a clutch for that car? For that matter, how much
> is a tune-up and what is the service interval?
Good questions, for sure. Exotics that PLUMMET in
value and trade hands for roughly the same price as a
four year old Honda Civic usually do so for very good
reasons, and those reasons tend to be related in some
way to the "cost-of-upkeep vs. joy-to-own-and-drive"
relationship. The Ferrari 400i comes to mind, as does
the early Lotus Esprit, or the (admittedly less
exotic) Jaguar XJS. Cool cars all, but when it comes
to repair and parts costs... gak.
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