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Ethylene glycol toxicity

Subject: Ethylene glycol toxicity
From: William T Snyder <>
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 21:36:52 -0400
I'm glad that many of you found my dissertation on EG poisoning
informative. I have received numerous requests for permission to reprint
on web sites or in newsletters, etc, and I happily give my permission. I
will also be happy to clarify any confusing points, but I will be out of
town between June 5 and 15 on vacation with my family, so ask
now..............or wait 10 days.

By the way, I lost one of my own pets, a 3-year-old cat named Lucy, to
antifreeze poisoning many yeasr ago. I have since replaced all coolant in
all of my vehicles with the low toxicity varieties. I felt SO guilty
after that episode, which was entirely accidental, that I wanted to
reduce my pets' risk as much as possible! Also be aware that many
household cleaning agents also contain Ethylene Glycol. Most recently
there have been reports of dogs getting EG poisoning from licking their
feet after walking across floors still wet after the use of the Swiffer
Wet Mop.

Bill Snyder, DVM

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