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Re: fuel starvation

To: <>
Subject: Re: fuel starvation
From: "Don Vierling" <>
Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 12:24:02 -0400
Weren't some listers reporting a similar loss of power at speed awhile
back and it turned out to be because the heater valve was bad and
leaking onto the distributor?
Just a thought.
Donny V

>>> Paul Root> 5/26/2004 9:32:00 PM >

After however, when leaving work, it's about 2 blocks to the
freeway. So it's not warm yet, and the choke is pulled. On the
freeway, I get upto speed (60-70, just trying not to get run
over, honest!) and I get a bit of stumpling. After about a mile,
traffic usually thickens and I'm not going that fast. And it's fine,
usually, the rest of the way home. After the choke is off.

However, this afternoon heading home. 694 opened up and I opened
up a bit, again 65-70. After about 2 miles, I got a little stumbling
again. I got of at the exit, and had no problems the mile in to


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