> Subject: MGA engine reinstall. Help needed, Maine
> A member of our club is looking to reinstall the engine and transmission on
> his MGA
> 1.) Is this much more difficult or different from the usual early MGB job?
> 2.) Any traps to look out for and tips?
It is similar to installing the unit into the MGB. IMO, you'll need a bit more
tilt 'adjustability'. You need to start at quite a steep angle then level it
out as the gearbox gets in under the goal post. I suggest putting the car up on
jack stands with the rear higher than the front to help with this need for a
steep angle.
Place an old blanket over the front of the bonnet surround & latch area. Unless
you are certain you can re-align the bonnet latch first time, consider removing
the grill. This will allow you to both adjust the latch & release it when it
ain't right. DAMHIK...
If you read the shop manual, it will tell you to remove the floorboards &
transmission tunnel! No one I know does it that way. Remove the gearshift
remote control and cover the opening on the top of the gearbox with a shop rag
to avoid getting dirt inside. You can then re-attach the remote control through
the opening in the transmission tunnel.
Eric Russell
Mebane, NC