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Making Plans for 2004 season

Subject: Making Plans for 2004 season
From: David Deutsch <>
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2004 19:11:37 -0500
Hope all of you  folks who live in the colder Northern regions are getting 
ready for the 2004 Driving Season. I've got my reservations (hotel and event) 
made for Carlisle Import in May, MG 2004 in June, a trip to Maine for Lobster 
w/ a bunch of other MGCC-Long Island people/cars in August and just sent out my 
September's Stowe/"The British Invasion" pre-reg this afternoon.

The 75 B (Green one) is in Knut Holzer's Autometrics Restorations shop in North 
Philly getting stripped, rust repaired and repainted in a fresh base/clear 
finish of Jag Sherwood Green. Should have it back by the end of the month. I 
just have to do a quick clutch master replacement on the 80 B (Carmine Red one) 
and it'll be good to go for 2004. The 78 Midget and 73 Dart (Dodge not Daimler) 
are getting me around this days.    

Looking forward to seeing alot of the old folks and meeting many new ones again 
this year.  

Safety Fast,
David Deutsch
Chairman / NAMGBR      

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