In our club we have an owner who lost her left leg. She too is
looking for an automatic for her MGB, and, when she locates one,
information about having it installed. If anyone could assist in finding
one and with installation information, please pass on to me so I can
share with her. We have been running an advert in our newsletter for a
type 35 Borg Warner, as fitted to the MGB automatics at the time, but
have not had responses.
On Thu, 4 Mar 2004 20:32:30 EST writes:
> Please don't fang me, but have any of you fitted an auto tranmission
> into a MGB?
> I know some factory cars with auto were made at one time, but I
> would not have a clue as to where to look for one.
> Anyway, I would like to add this into a car for my grandkids.
> Thanks
> Dennis