Or in re-reading it, maybe I was confused because of how you put your
paragraph together.
He claimed it was hard to find one like that, but hadn't tried to start it,
but that's all he claimed?
Whereupon when you got it you determined that it didn't start because it
had no fuel pump, ignition, or battery and had been in a flood to boot?
That makes more sense. Yes, I'd be pissed too..
At 07:18 AM 2/4/04, Tab Julius wrote:
>You're saying that HE said "have not tried to start it, no fuel pump,
>ignition or battery, full of dust and dirt up to the instruments, I know
>it was in a flood".
>What was it about that car that was disappointing given that
>warning? With that warning and maybe some pictures I can't imagine you
>were expecting much.
>At 11:00 PM 2/3/04, BarrMark262@aol.com wrote:
>>My two cents: I bought my current 74B restoration project from a very
>>dishonest person on eBay. He advertises all the time with glowing
>>paragraphs about
>>his cars. Wonderful and beautiful and rare. (You can't miss his ads!)
>>Lots and
>>lots of pictures
>>He said about mine: "Hard to find one like this; have not tried to start it"
>>(No fuel pump, ignition or battery!) Full of dust and dirt up to the
>>instruments. I know it was in a flood.