on 12/26/03 4:25 PM, Paul T. Root at proot@horton.iaces.com wrote:
> I also like the idea of getting rid of the chrome strips.
> Any opinions on that?
A friend once had a 65 B that was all original except that the side strips
had been removed when it was painted, and the holes filled. In shiny Tartan
Red with wires, he liked to think it resembled a Ferrari or other italian
car, and to be sure it gave it a different look. A little thicker in the
midsection, and perhaps older, like an advanced late-50s car instead of a
contemporary 60s car.
It might have the opposite effect on an RBB, making it look more modern
(like an RV8).
Max Heim
'66 MGB GHN3L76149
If you're near Mountain View, CA,
it's the primer red one with chrome wires