Yes, I am a big fan of Pale primrose too (ok, my mg is brg). I was looking at
an OEW 70B today at my friends shop and we were commenting on how those two
colors are very much favorites of ours. How about combining the two not unlike
a big healey with OEW on the underside. Who says you have to run right along
the strip line have someone tape off a line like the 3000 I think I have seen a
B done like that maybe in CT?
just my $.02USD here YMMV
People had always asked if I was going to paint her another colour but I
am rather protective of her original primrose especially as there seem
to be so few about here any more (all of them having changed their spots
to British racing green or whatever). BUT then I had a thought - why
not something a little different - why not think about TWO TONE. Yes, I
know it isn't an original thought and it certainly ain't original for
the species, but it is FRESH for me and I can always go back to her
original colour somewhere down the track when I get a PROPER paintjob
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