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ref 80's Jag

Subject: ref 80's Jag
From: Carl French <>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2003 19:05:53 -0800 (PST)
I just got an 84 XJ given to me that looks driveable with a small bit of work 
(sat for 1.5 years). I am looking for similar thoughts also.

William Killeffer <> wrote:
I've sold my truck (insert serious mixed feelings here) and have been 
driving my 1974 MGB to work everyday in the Chattanooga, TN area. While 
I'm willing to continue this as long as needed, the city admins see fit 
to salt the roads in the event of ice or snow. This hasn't happened, but 
winter has scarce begun here and I can just hear my MG screaming at me 
while being driven on salty roads. I want to get something a little 
different to replace the truck. I've found an 83 Jaguar XJ6 at a used 
car lot.

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