--- Max Heim <mvheim@studiolimage.com> wrote:
> Are you using the choke correctly? You didn't
> mention it at all...
I think so. I fire the car up with full choke, and
then almost immediately push it back in about halfway.
Then, after the water temperature needle comes a bit
off the cold peg, I generally push it all the way back
Another lister mentioned that he thought the car might
be rich, and I think this makes sense.
This summer, I suspected the car was running rich.
When it was warm out, I didn't have to use the choke,
really... ever. Even if it had been sitting for a day
or two, it fired right up without any choke at all.
Also, when driving at night, if there was someone
right behind me with their lights on, I could see some
light smoke when I'd go to full throttle. Nothing
major, and nothing I could see during the daytime, but
it was there, and so I figured the car was rich.
But then my gulp valve went bad, and the car went VERY
rich. So I desmogged it, and the car felt a ton
better. I figured that must have been the problem.
But after a while, I noticed the light smoke at night
was still there, so I decided a month or so ago to
adjust the carbs and try to correct it. I downloaded
some list-recommended instructions from the web and
set to it. But in short order I got them kinda
screwed up. It would idle perfectly but run like
crap. A half hour of tinkering got the car running
correctly again, and I'm pretty sure I'm basically
back to where I started, but to be honest, I don't
know where I am in terms of mixture or anything. The
light smoke is still there under full throttle, but I
definitely need the choke to start the car now, that's
for sure.
And the plugs don't look fouled or anything. Then
again, though, I haven't actually pulled them when the
car is running poorly. I've always continued driving
the car until it cleared up before coming back home,
so I guess that should be step one, eh? Get it
running like crap, then shut it off and pull the
And should I get an SU carb video or something for
help with tuning them? The online print directions I
got seemed pretty clear, but when I actually got into
it, I couldn't really tell what I was doing or how to
set the mixture correctly.
Again, I know this is remedial stuff, but I want to
know how to do it myself, rather than take it
Thanks again,
Paul Misencik
1971 MGB Vintage Race Project
Huntersville, NC USA
Learn the truth at www.misleader.org
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