It's a scam Bill. BTDT... just recently even with my Midget.
You'll get a few more emails (if you even respond) asking to have
to accept a 'larger' check and return the funds.
Paul Tegler
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Snyder" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 10:05 AM
Subject: UK Scam??
> I posted a car for sale on the MG Enthusiast's site on Saturday to be
> distributed in the US and Canada. Yesterday, I received a request for
> more info and a photo, followed by an offer to buy from a gent in the UK.
> I wrote back voicing my skepticism and fear of scams from perspective
> overseas buyers and stated that my terms would be cash or cashiers check
> for the exact anount with adequate time for the check to clear the bank
> before the car would be released. He has now requested my address so that
> his secretary can immediately send me the cashiers's check.
> The fellow gives his name as Cap. Mark and he has a UK email address.
> From the way he writes gramatically, I suspect that he is not a native
> Englishman.
> I want to sell my car, but I also want to make sure that I don't get
> conned in some way. Does anyone have knowledge of car buying scams
> originating from the UK? Has anyone ever heard of this chap or had any
> dealings with him? Any further advice on how to avoid getting beaten?
> Thanks as always for your input.
> Bill Snyder
> Waynesville, NC