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FOR SALE: Safety Fast magazines

Subject: FOR SALE: Safety Fast magazines
From: "Reid Trummel" <>
Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2003 04:36:32 +0000
Just in time for Christmas... more copies of vintage issues of BMC's old 
club magazine, "Safety Fast."  If you've never seen any of these old 
magazines, you're really missing a treat.  Safety Fast was the official 
publication of the M.G. Car Club and Austin-Healey Club in the 1960s when 
the clubs were factory-sponsored.

They're on eBay; please see:

Or if that doesn't work, you could search "Safety Fast" or for the seller 
named healey_hobby

Thank you.

Reid Trummel
Portland, Oregon

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  • FOR SALE: Safety Fast magazines, Reid Trummel <=