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Re: Turn signal stock won't cancel

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Turn signal stock won't cancel
From: "Paul Hunt \(T\)" <>
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 11:11:59 -0000
Had this myself in the past, I've replaced the switch in the past too but
can't now recall whether I had the problem with the old or new switch.  On
mine the switch finger one side was nicely contacting the flat side of the
cancelling gizmo (a curved metal bracket that is a tight sliding fit on the
column on my 73, not the peg screwed into the column on earlier models) and
cancelled satisfactorily but the finger the other side was a little bit
higher and skidded off the top of the gizmo.  I didn't want to try and bend
the plastic finger and risk breaking it so I built up to top of the gizmo
with solder (didn't have a welder at the time) and it has been fine ever


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 11:37 PM
Subject: Turn signal stock won't cancel

> The turn signal cancels when wheel turned to the left, but not when turned
> the right. Switch is brand new from Moss, and the cancelling piece is in
> place.
> Any of you had this problem?

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