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Re: MGB Metal dash question

To: David Breneman <>,
Subject: Re: MGB Metal dash question
From: "Paul M." <>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 11:52:10 -0800 (PST)
--- David Breneman <> wrote:
> Paul M. SEZ -
> Yes, I prefer some, and no I wouldn't convert a car
> from one to the other.  I'd buy the car that I
> wanted.

> > I sincerely hope your answer is:
> > 
> > "No way, Paul.  Every MGB is absolutely perfect
> > precisely the way it came from the factory in the
> > build year that it was produced, and I feel that
> any
> > changes whatsoever would make it 'kludgy'"
> Well, I suppose my answer is a more nuanced
> variation of that. :-)

Ah, David.  Then you are that most rare of birds - a
true MG purist.  Godspeed.  That sort of "concours"
mentality is certainly one facet of MG enthusiasm, but
by no means the only one.  For most of us (some more
than others), there are things like to do to our cars
that improve and/or personalize them a bit.  Having
you tacitly refer to our cars as kludgy bastards is
somewhat offensive.

Further, I think we'd all agree that lumping a metal
dash conversion in with "shaker hood scoops and side
pipes", or "lowriders or four wheel drive conversions"
is ludicrous.

Why not just live and let live?  Why are you picking a
fight?  If you don't want to convert your dashboard,
then DON'T.  But just do me a favor and keep your
fingers away from the keyboard when the rest of us are
discussing it.

Apparently, you knew all of this was coming when you
signed your first post:  "So have at me."

Well, we did.

Paul Misencik
1971 MGB Vintage Race Project
Huntersville, NC  USA

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