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Re: Potential B owner looking for advice.

To: RTN <>,
Subject: Re: Potential B owner looking for advice.
From: Carl French <>
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2003 14:27:27 -0800 (PST)
This one is more just for fun and flavor but check out the home site of this 
link and by all means dig into the MGB Experience site.
dig around in your area and see if there is a British car club in the vicinity 
and there will be people who will be more than willing to go take a look with 
you. I love doing it in my area (always a good excuse for a pint or two :-)
Carl French
70 Stag
84 Jaguar XJ6

RTN <> wrote:

A fellow where I work has a 1975 B for sale that I am somewhat 
interested in. Is there a FAQ page somewhere or is there someone 
willing to field this inquiry (yet another time I assume) about what to 
look for, what to not worry about, etc. when buying an MGB? 

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