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Chassis dyno theory question

Subject: Chassis dyno theory question
From: Larry Colen <>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 18:49:49 -0700
Since I've been asking about lightened flywheels, here's a related

Somewhere, I picked up the information that chasis dynos measure power
by measuring the rate of change of RPM. The faster that your car can
accelerate the rollers, the more power it makes. If this is so, then I
believe that reducing the rotating mass of the driveline will result
in an apparant gain in horsepower on the dyno. Lighter flywheel ->
more apparant power. Is this true?

I suspect that this may only be true on some dynos as the Clayton smog
dyno I've used, can tailor resistance to either a specific level, or
to represent "real life at that speed".

I do suspect that unless you are measuring RPM at a steady speed, that
they would need to take the rotating mass into account, and that
changing the polar moment of the flywheel would have a small but
measurable effect on the readings.

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