> The second option is to find a radio that will fit
> that's only 5 1/2 inches
> deep. I really only want FM, so I don't have to
> have cassette or CD. Any
> suggestions?
I don't know the specifics, but you might look in
Hemming's Motor News for a couple different things:
1) You can probably find a company in there that
restores radios. If so, I'm sure they can get you
either the correct knobs or something close and
2) You might also check into those companies that
offer to "hide" modern sound in a classic package.
Uners, etc that fit behind dashboards or in trunks,
yet are controlled through a classic old radio.
Again, I don't know the specifics, but it might be
worth looking into.
Paul Misencik
1971 MGB Vintage Race Project
Huntersville, NC USA
Learn the truth at www.misleader.org
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