David Breneman wrote:
> Rocky Frisco SEZ -
>>Really neat! Thanks!! BTW, #8 is stereo-reversed from the others, so
>>crossing the eyes doesn't work.
> Actually, they're all for straight-ahead freeviewing! I think
> the problem with that little Argus camera is that the optics are
> so poor it's hard to see much depth at all unless something is
> really close. Alas, my Stereo Realist came back a week after
> I got back from Oregon. I also took some 2-1/4 x 2-1/4 slides
> on Fuji Velveeta :-) which are beautiful, but they'd be
> immense as digital files.
I have the Realist, a prewar Sawyer Viewmaster Camera and the Fuji
experimental split-screen system from the 70's.
These days, I rarely use the cameras, but I do crossed-eyes freeviewing
pix and animations with Ray Dream Studio 5.5.
-Rock http://www.rocky-frisco.com
"JJ Cale Live" CD & Video: http://www.rocky-frisco.com/calelive.htm
The Wednesday Night Science Project: http://www.wednitesciproj.us
Larry Spears and the Hapless Romantics: http://www.larry-spears.com