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Re: Door window winder

Subject: Re: Door window winder
From: Bob Howard <>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 14:10:53 -0400
  That sounds to me as though the tracks have gone a bit out of alignment
or wear of the fuzz is allowing the glass to rotate slightly in the
tracks.  Next time you have the door open,  check that the bolts are
tight and then see if moving the rear track toward the front slightly
does not improve the action.
   But now that you are down Tampa way, you probably don't roll the
windows up anyhow, and the top is off the car and in storage in your
garage.  Leaves are turning color in CT. 

On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 12:52:07 -0400 dave houser <>
> I have found that winding up a bit then down frees everything up to 
> work  without effort. and vice versa.
> Dave Houser

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