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RE: Car Search Hit Counts

To: "'Bud Krueger'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Car Search Hit Counts
From: "Dean T. Lake" <>
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 11:46:55 -0400
Remember....I warned you guys it was juvenile.  If one simply types in
the make of vehicle along with the vulgar epithet that rhymes with "pass
toll", one will get the corresponding number of hits.  I personally
think these results are adequately scientific to prove we are better
than they are.  Clearly, even the number of times MG is used with that
term could only be explained by such phrases as "What an ******* - he
doesn't even drive an MG!" or maybe "I'm surprised he's an ******* even
though his wife drives an MG!"  There could be still more phrases that
explain the phenomenon.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bud Krueger [] 
 Subject: Re: Car Search Hit Counts

Okay, Dean.  When do we hear the answer?

Bud Krueger

Dean T. Lake wrote:

>OK, so it's raining on my day off and I was bored.  Here's the gag:
>one word term, along with each of the cars listed below, resulted in
>corresponding hits on a Yahoo search?  No, this isn't scientific, and
>Yes, it is intended to be inflammatory!
>Lexus 6,390
>BMW 6,190
>SUV 5,860
>Mustang 5,270
>Corvette 3,640
>Jaguar 3,360
>MG 2,730
>MGB 160
>Morris Minor 33
>But the grand prize goes to........
>Triumph 9,100
>Care to guess what the search parameter was?  (All in good fun, now.)

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