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Re: body work

Subject: Re: body work
From: "David Breneman" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 15:56:49 -0700 (PDT)
Blair J. Weiss SEZ -
> Probably should be looking for a new body guy by now?

Not hardly.  This was told to me by Matt Graham at Brooklands
British Car in Tacoma.  He's been restoring MGs for decades, both
drivers and concours winners.  I trust his judgement implicitly.
I'm no expert on body work.  That's why *I'm* not doing it.  I was
just passing on what had been told to me by someone who is an expert.
Heresay evidence; take it for what it's worth.

David Breneman                     | "I don't care to belong to a club
Distributed Systems S/W Analyst    |  that accepts people like me
Airborne Express, Inc.             |  as members."        |                 - Groucho Marx

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