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Re: Creative way to become a DPO...

Subject: Re: Creative way to become a DPO...
From: "David Breneman" <>
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 13:48:34 -0800 (PST)
Andrew B. Lundgren SEZ -
> Some places realise the damage salt does and don't use it.

As far as I know, Washington has never used salt, even in
the much colder eastern half.  I've never understood why
people in the states that use salt tolerate that.  Around
here there's a new road treatment that's sprayed on prior
to freezing conditions, and it sticks to the road for several
weeks.  It melts the ice as it forms (OK, I know you can't melt
non-existant ice, but you get the idea).  Probably not much
good for snowfall, but for condensation ice, like black ice,
it seems to work quite well.

David Breneman                   | "Before there were CDs there were
Distributed Systems S/W Analyst  |  records, and before there were
Airborne Express, Inc.           |  records, there were 78s."      |                  --- Seen on eBay

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