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driving a target/mgb in Atlanta (was RE: ?High andMighty...)

To: "MG Digest" <>
Subject: driving a target/mgb in Atlanta (was RE: ?High andMighty...)
From: "N" <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 22:15:39 -0500
> Not around here.  In the Santa Barbara area, rollover tests
> are conducted by
> executive secretaries and lawyers.  I can tell that they must be doing
> testing, as they appear to be in telephone communication
> directly prior to
> the test procedure.    : )

>Aren't they also doing additional product testing, such as cosmetics,
>electric razors, and fast food?  :)

And, don't forget - bottled water.  Here in Westport, CT, women SUV
"drivers" don't seem to be able to operate them without a cell phone in one
hand & a bottle of water in the other.  Wonder how they steer?  With the
bottled water hand, of course.  Oh, and which hand is it they then use when
"Junior" in the child seat in back needs his nose wiped while they are
charging down Post Rd. on their way to their fav boutique?   I can't begin
to guess.  Scary isn't it?

On a more serious note, the first SUV accident I witnessed was a woman
backing up an SUV into, not an LBC, but into TWO LOL's (Little ol' Ladies).

Around here the local papers get lots of photos of SUV's stuck off-road in
2" of snow - they just slide uncontrollably into the woods & fields when
attempting to negotiate turns, and go upside down as they roll over curbs.
Guess these people never took physics in high school or college.

Maybe the solution is to disable the power steering in SUV's.  That would
restrict their use to people who really needed them.  But, how can we do
that?  And besides, then all the U.S. auto manufacturers would go broke as
they don't make much profit on passenger cars.  But, they do on $15,000
trucks that they call SUV's & charge $30,000 for.

Enough rambling for one night...


And, drive your LBC with your headlights on (High beams around SUV's).   At
least then you'll be a little more visible to the above-described Mother

Norm Sippel
'66 MGB - nearly hit by SUV's too many times

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