Your brother is quite correct.
To expand on this and for the benefit of others on the list, I have only
driven one TD. But then it was yours, when I stopped by during my last trek
across South Dakota. It handled quite well and certainly comparable to a
standard chrome bumpered B or BGT. I have to qualify that comment about
"standard" because the B's steering and handling varies considerably based
on condition and tires. The TD handled considerably better than some Bs I
have driven. But then I've driven a few that were poorly maintained or with
bad/mismatched tires and worn suspension.
So I think the 71B likely needs some attention to the front end and it
should run as well as the TD, perhaps even a wee bit better.
David Councill
67 BGT
72 B still in progress
At 08:50 PM 10/10/2002 -0500, Bullwinkle wrote:
>Last month had friend and his brother-in-law ride in and
>drive my TD. The brother-in-law had once owned a TD back in
>the late 50's, and has just bought an 71 MGB. They couldn't
>believe how more responsive the TD was to steering and
>handling when compared to the 71 MGB. My brother, who's
>also driven both types, just thinks the 71 B needs a good
>suspension rebuild. Anyone else do a comparison?
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