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Re: Hobby in decline?

Subject: Re: Hobby in decline?
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2002 16:49:20 EDT
FWIW.......I get the greatest kick out of driving my MG and I have NO desire 
to try a Miata or any of the other more exotic "sports cars".

I compare my drives to the barnstormer pilots of 30's...a real "seat of the 
pants" experience. They're all bare-bones cars and there's an element of risk 
and apprehension when you strap one on. I feel a certain "oneness" with my 
car when I'm out's a great feeling. 
Those drivers in their fancy Boxters and Z-3s have nothing on me. I would 
even go so far to say that they look goofy with the silly wind screens behind 
their heads. I relish confrontations with them...they'll never know the 
thrill of driving a car that defined the genre. 

Like Don, though, I am concerned about the decline of young people getting 
into our hobby. As our beloved sports cars defined an era for us, the 
youngsters today are more interested in Honda Civics and Mitsubishi Eclipses. 
This can also be said of the American car hobby. Go to an American car cruise 
some night and check out the age....we're all in the same boat.

Bob Stahlbush; 66 MGB GHN3L 78708; 60 TR3A TS 81398L
President BMCNE (British Motorcars of New England)

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