Greetings, all:
I've had a pair of Moss replacement racks on hand for, oh, a couple of years
now, but haven't convinced myself of the second-best way to attach them, short
of welding.
(The itinerant welder who did some other work for me declined to tackle this
project, given the location of the fuel pump, lines and gas tank, and I have
to say I was relieved.)
I know that the racks will surrender to rust and gravity long before the car
ever gets a frame-up restoration that would allow welding. My inclination is
to saw off the originals, leaving enough sound metal to drill holes and bolt
up the new ones through the overlap.
But maybe someone on the list wants to insist that all I need to do is pull
the pump and shift the fuel lines out of the way and try to lure the welder
back? It's an awkward space to work a torch in ...
Andy Badeker
1600 MGA coupe (Not racing. Not even moving much.)
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