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Re: Driving Philosophies (Long) (Was: Re: Cops vs.LBCs)

To: Chuck Renner <>
Subject: Re: Driving Philosophies (Long) (Was: Re: Cops vs.LBCs)
From: Stephen West-Fisher <>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 17:14:46 -0400
Chuck Renner wrote:

>>I have read it, and it doesn't make any case for the yellows 
>>being too 
>>short for a safe stop. It only states (without any detail of the 
>>studies) that lengthening the the yellow will reduce the 
>>number of cars 
> Yes, but that fact alone points out that rather than doing rather simple
> things to aid the flow of traffic, we're doing things of questionable
> legality (photo-enforcement) that gets money for the city and Lockheed
> Martin, and causes an increase in rear-end accidents, all supposedly in the
> name of safety.
> If you fully explore the site, you'll find far more detail on the studies.  
> As for questioning the site's statements, it's one of the few places you can
> get information about these enforcement tactics that hasn't come from the
> insurance industry, municipalities, or someone else who benefits financially
> from these devices.  As for trying to get your vote, this site is run by
> Rep. Dick Armey.  Most of the people in the country can't vote for him, and
> IIRC he's decided to retire after his current term anyway. 

We can, however, agree on a few things. I don't believe the the remote 
devices should be leased, I believe the municipality should purchase 
them outright. Then the vendor is out of the picture.

I disagree that the legality is dubious, I'm sure the founding fathers 
would support you paying the fine for your horse when it got loose. Your 
vehicle, regardless of driver, is your responsibility, with the 
exception that it is stolen. As long as the device doesn't take pictures 
of every vehicle which goes through the intersection (red or green), I 
don't see it as an invasion of privacy. Considering the face scanning 
technology currently in use at a number of sites (which I do consider an 
invasion of privacy) since 9/11, I don't think the privacy part of 
automated systems will stand in court.

I believe that site is run by the republican party, or another closely 
affiliated group, not Dick Armey, although I may be wrong. We'll see if 
it stays up when his successor gets in office. And just in case you 
think I don't like the site due to the republican content, I am a 
republican. All I see there is political spin, all of it very one sided. 
I could get the same simi-information from any right-wing talk show host.

Wow, have we gotten far afield from MGs or what? Time to get back to the 
SU vs Weber stuff! All I can say on that front is the only Webers I've 
known have been on Land Rovers and they are real pieces of 
you-know-what. Give me a good Solex any day.

Stephen West-Fisher
Coastal Data Systems

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