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RE: Supplementary Lighting/long winded reply

To: "'Barrie Robinson'" <>,
Subject: RE: Supplementary Lighting/long winded reply
From: "Dodd, Kelvin" <>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 11:25:53 -0700

Back when I was more of a smart aleck, I used to flash with my big Marchal
driving lights oncoming drivers who left on their high beams.  Then one
night the oncoming car started swerving, as the driver was literally
blinded.  That stopped the practice.  Ahh youth.


BTW.  My pro rally car had 4 Marchal 700 series lamps mounted to a bit of
old bedframe in place of the front bumper.
2 Fogs aimed outward, a driving and a pencil beam.  I still have a few of
the old Marchals sitting around.  They bear scars from being knocked off
during off course excursions.

> was friendly with a chap who had a genuine Jaguar SS100.  He 
> got really 
> annoyed with people who did not dip their main beams.  At the 
> airfield 
> there was a crashed Beaufighter and he took off its landing 
> lights.  These 
> he mounted on his badge bar with a instant on-off switch.  
> Whenever he 
> encountered a non-dipping car he let fly...he said it burnt 
> the paint off 
> the offending car..  Mighty dangerous but we were like that 
> then - and his 
> battery got sucked dry!!!

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