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Re: Some rear brake questions (MGB)

To: smarc <>
Subject: Re: Some rear brake questions (MGB)
From: Charles & Peggy Robinson <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 10:25:23 -0500
  I dunno about you but I have a replacement handbrake cable in my '69
B.  There's a problem with those cables in that they are a smidgin too
long.  I know that there are two different cables, one for WW axles and
another for disk wheel axles.  I have the right cable.  In fact, I have
two.  Moss sent me another when I called about the length.  They thought
I might have the wrong one - mislabeled, etc.  There's a fix for this,
involving drilling a new hole in the tunnel area for the anchored end of
the housing but I elected not to do this.

  What I found is that if the rear brakes are adjusted just right, the
handbrake will hold.  So whenever the handbrake begins to slip, I know
it's time to adjust the rear brakes.  It's usually time to relube the
splines too.



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