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Re: Snotty Pinafarina owners

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Snotty Pinafarina owners
From: "Ryan Irwin" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 14:39:58 -0500
A couple notes on waving...

My mom owns a 99 Jeep Wrangler.  And when I'm driving it or when I'm with
her, EVERY jeep owner waves at EVERY other jeep owner.  real jeeps, not
cherokees and stuff.  But CJ5, 7, Wranglers....   It's wierd and
psudo-cultish.   I mean, i hardly every don't get a wave from another B
owner, but that's becuase Bs are scarce.  Wranglers are all over the place.
 "Acceptance by association of psudo-car people into car-related cliques"
I mean, alot of older Jeep owners, owners of CJ5s and the like, they're car
people.  My mom is not.  But she's still part of their little cult...

>We in the Ferrari owners' group call them the 'gold
> chain and Italian loafers <without socks>' guys.  All image, no
> substance.

We in Web Design call it Eye-Candy.  All flashy, no content.

-Ryan Irwin
'61 MG Midget
'72 MGB
'89 Nissan Sentra
'86 Toyota Camry
'90 Nissna 240SX
'98 Jeep Cherokee (Dad's)
'99 Jeep Wrangler (Mom's)

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