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Oil on K&N filter

To: "MG Mailing List" <>
Subject: Oil on K&N filter
From: "Jon �rikstad" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 13:32:07 +0200
I have cleaned the K&N filter, and sprayed it with oil. The whole
filter is now red, no dripping, but I may have used to much oil.
The guy in the shop said that with a 'normal' carburetted engine, the
amount of oil is not that important, as long as it is red all over. Is
this true ?

I also have done some tidying in my shed.
I have:
-1 very rusted wire wheel with a very_old tyre.
-1 rusted wire wheel, no tyre.
-4 rusted whire wheels with winter tyres, with studs (
spiked/dubbed?). !
-Very little room, but I HATE to throw away things that someone
someday maybe can use.
- ( plus 4 decent wheels/tyres on the car, + a decent spare in the
I should thow them away, right ?
Jon Erikstad
1970 MGB GT

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