The recent thread about electrical shorts reminds me -
For the last 6 or 8 months, I've had this problem with starting. Had it two
days in a row a few weeks ago. Came out after work & turned key to start &
starter cranked engine about 1-1/2 turns slowly before quitting. Second try
didn't even get one full turn. Where I park I was able to easily roll down
hill & jump it. Instant starting. Tonight it did it again. But this time
it wasn't in the parking lot at work, it was on the main drag with no hill.
I tried pushing to jump it, but couldn't get enough speed. (No Wheaties
this morning.) After 4 tries at cranking, and getting less starter power at
each try, I called my wife to bring a tow rope. After completing my call I
tried one more time. (About 1 minute after previous attempt.) It cranked
over heartily about 3 turns & started right up. Called the wifely towwer &
got her before she had left home. But, indeed have a puzzle on my hands.
Now, here's the situation: the battery is fairly new, no corrosion on the
cables, all connections tight, including starter connections, alternator
putting out 14 v, circuit cut when I park via race-necessary shut-off so no
battery drain through any kind of short. If it were a bad section on the
starter armature, wouldn't the chance of coming back to the same spot on 4
or 5 tries be almost impossible?
Any ideas?
Norm Sippel
'66 MGB - occasionally reluctant
/// or try
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