Whenever a member of our club (see sigline below) suffers car problems during
the course of traveling to or fro any LBC event (Club meeting, Car Show,
Race, Rally or Run, Parade or trying to park...) they are awarded the
lamentatious "Limp (or) Dead Chicken" trophy which consists of much
laughter, boo's, hissing and generally a lot of loud whooping, hollering' and
carrying on...followed by the presentation of a real, fake Rubber Chicken...!
Too bad you didn't qualify because you made it safe and sound all 2300
>>I'm baaaaack. And tired. 2300 miles. 4 days. Last 1800 miles at 75-85 mph.
>>like a charm. No breakdowns.
>>More tomorrow.
Monte 79B, 67B, and 74 1/2 parts car
Kahoka, MO USA
What a great basis for a book or an article in British Car or any MG type
magazine. Who says these little cars aren't tough, scrappy and durable. Like
Timex watches,... "They take a licking and just... Keep On Ticking!!"
Albert Escalante
1978 MGB, 1977 Jaguar XJ6L
Central Coast British Car Club
Port Hueneme, California (USA)
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