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RE: dizzy problem

To: "'bruce'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: dizzy problem
From: "Larry Hoy" <>
Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 06:58:34 -0600
Bruce, if the clamp plate fixing bolts are removed the distributor
should slide straight out.  If it doesn't it must have corrosion holding
it there.  You might try your favorite penetrating oil around the base
of the distributor, then pry.  WD-40 is not penetrating oil.

Does your 64 B have a fully synchronized transmission installed?

Larry Hoy

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of bruce
> Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 6:35 AM
> To:
> Subject: dizzy problem
> Learned List
>       Last night while attempting to change the starter motor
> on my 64 B Iran into a problem. The engine # is 18GUH3095. I 
> can't for the life of me get the distributor out. I have 
> taken the two securing bolts out , as well as backing off the 
> clamp. It was extremely difficult to move the distributor and 
> it will not come out . What am I missing ? I read the manual 
> and I have another distributor out to look at . It looks simple.
>       The Starter motor has the part # M4186. When I compare
> the new one with the one in the car there is a difference in 
> the size of the ouput shaft as well as the gear that engages 
> the flywheel. The gear is quite abit longer and the shaft 
> quite a bit thicker. 

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