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Re: crosscountry drive

To: "MonteMorris" <>, "MG list" <>
Subject: Re: crosscountry drive
From: "Mark and kathy LaPierre" <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 15:31:07 -0500
    Get a U-haul van and a tow dolly.  I never assume anything with these
cars until I personally have gone through them myself from front to back.
Any shop is there to make a living, they will fix what they can see and what
is obvious.  There is no way they can  predict what problems will happen on
the road.
     The PO wants to sell it and hes liable to say anything just to see it
go away.  You really don't honestly know what has been done to the car until
you or a close trusted friend go through it.
    I cringe when I think of all the weird places that that car could break
down between Seattle and Missouri.   This is a new investment for you why
risk trouble when you really don't have too.
    Sorry to lean on the negative here but you ask for advise and this is
how I would handle a long distance purchase of a car.  I've been stranded in
too many strange places to want to take that challenge on if I didn't
absolutely have too.
    Sorry, I have to take the  opposite side of many of the listers here.
Its better to have a safe positive trip and get the car home confidently
than drive  in unknown territory in an unknown car.

My 2 cents,    Mark

> In a few weeks I'll be flying to Seattle to pick up a 67B:
> and driving it to Missouri. The car has not been driven for a year, or so,
> supposedly runs fine. I'm planning on getting it to a shop in Seattle for
> checkup before I attempt this drive.
> Questions:
> 1. Can someone recommend a good shop in Seattle area, that would have
parts on
> hand? I'd like to call in advance and set up a one-day appointment.
> 2. As I'll be flying to Seattle, I'll need to pack lightly (taking a small
> tool kit) but I'm wondering what spare parts everyone would recommend I
> with me? I'm thinking: radiator hoses, points and condensor and fuel
> and ,of course, duct tape and cell phone. What else?
> I live in extreme northeastern Missouri, and I haven't planned my route
> but if there is anyone that might live in route and interested in
supplying a
> name, address, and phone # in case I need help it would be greatly
> appreciated. I teach and will be out of school on May 20, so I'm planning
> leaving around this time.
> Thanks,

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